Track II Dialogues
Delhi Dialogue I Report
Date: November 1, 2013
A great leap forward was needed to break the current impasse in the Indo-Pak bilateral engagement, said participants of the Delhi Dialogue, a bilateral Track-II conference organized by Centre for Dialogue and Reconciliation and Jinnah Institute in New Delhi from 18-19th December 2011. Participants from India and Pakistan expressed dissatisfaction with the “glacial” progress on all aspects of the bilateral relationship and felt that although normalization of ties was as yet not possible, there was need for meaningful “grand gestures” from both sides to make this happen. It was also said that incremental steps towards regional peace were welcome, but the bilateral relationship was still seen to be vulnerable to episodic events that could derail the ongoing dialogue between the two countries.
A conference report detailing the themes discussed, the consensus statement and particiapant profiles can be found here. Delhi Dialogue I Report