
Flash Point

Modi’s Juggernaut Grinds to a Halt?

by  Jinnah Institute

India’s election has delivered unexpected outcomes, especially for the incumbent Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Jinnah Institute reached out to experts to solicit their expectations from the election, and whether it...

Murder in British Columbia: New Delhi’s ‘Right’ to Killing Dissidents?

by  Jinnah Institute

Hardeep Singh Nijjar's killing in Canada has caused a diplomatic row between India and Canada, now grown further complicated (more…)

SCO Summit In India: Calibrating Pakistan’s Stance

by  Jinnah Institute

The attendance of Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari at the upcoming SCO summit has generated significant anticipation, as it (more…)

Ayman al-Zawahiri’s Killing

by  Jinnah Institute

Jinnah Institute reached out to policy experts to solicit their views on the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri in a US drone strike, and the future of Al-Qaeda following these developments....

India’s ‘Accidental’ Missile Launch

by  Jinnah Institute

Following the recent Indian missile crash in Pakistan, Jinnah Institute reached out to policy experts to solicit their views (more…)

What happens to the Hurriyat after Syed Ali Geelani?

by  Jinnah Institute

Following the demise of Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Jinnah Institute reached out to senior policy experts (more…)

The Fall of Kabul: Why did the ANDSF go into meltdown?

by  Jinnah Institute

As Kabul fell to the Taliban in a spectacular series of uncontested battlefield victories, there were questions raised (more…)

High Stakes in Afghanistan: Pakistan’s fears amid violence across the Durand Line

by  Jinnah Institute

Is Pakistan prepared to deal with another wave of militancy and terror? With news of splinter militant groups (more…)

Bracing for September – Part II

by  Jinnah Institute

What are the current challenges in Afghanistan’s peace process, particularly with a complete US withdrawal on the horizon (more…)

Bracing for September

by  Jinnah Institute

What are the current challenges in Afghanistan’s peace process, particularly with a complete US withdrawal on the horizon by September 2021, and will the Afghan government be able to secure...

The 2020 US Elections and a Biden Presidency: What Pakistan Should Expect in the Region

by  Jinnah Institute

As a new US Administration is set to take office under President-elect Joe Biden, (more…)

Women in Afghanistan

Second Opinion

Afghan Peace: Try Again, Fail Again, Fail Better

by  Salman Bashir, Taimur Shamil

Supporting the Afghan Government Apprehensions regarding a hastened US withdrawal from Afghanistan in the wake of coronavirus can seriously dent the prospects of peace. While the Doha agreement between the...
Special Feature | COVID-19

Compendium | Lockdown Paradox

by  Jinnah Institute

In this feature, Jinnah Institute asked experts to comment on pressing socio-economic issues in the wake of the Covid19 outbreak and its implications, charting the possibilities for a new normal....
Special Feature | COVID-19

Compendium | Asia and the World After COVID

by  Jinnah Institute

How has the coronavirus pandemic transformed our societies thus far, and what new pressures will it spawn? Leadership responses have varied, as unprecedented demands on states, diplomacy and institutions create...

Asia and the World After COVID

by  Peter Frankopan, Parag Khanna

COVID-19 and the Future of Multilateralism Peter Frankopan is Professor of Global History at Oxford University, and author of the best selling book 'The New Silk Roads'. The spread, extent...

Asia and the World After COVID

by  Barnett Rubin, Rajmohan Gandji

How has the coronavirus pandemic transformed our societies thus far, and what new pressures will it spawn? Leadership responses have varied, as unprecedented demands on states, diplomacy and institutions create...

Lockdown Paradox

by  Safiya Aftab

Social Protection and COVID-19 Introduction As of end April 2020, Pakistan has more than 16,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and over 350 deaths.1 As this human tragedy unfolds, more material...

Lockdown Paradox

by  Asad Sayeed

Economic Dynamics and Resource Envelopes Like many other countries, Pakistan continues to debate the trade-off between lives and livelihoods in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Much of this debate,...

Lockdown Paradox

by  Sakib Sherani

Hard Choices Only The challenge thrown up by Covid-19 to lives and livelihoods is among the most serious facing Pakistan in recent times. While the country has experienced colossal natural...

Lockdown Paradox

by  S. Akbar Zaidi

Killing the Virus and Saving the Economy The trade-off being presented of saving lives through a lockdown to eliminate the coronavirus and killing the poor on account of the closure...

Lockdown Paradox

by  Abid Hasan

Expand Ehsaas, Extend Lockdown Pakistan’s health crisis could explode, gravely crippling the economy and national security, if the lockdown is lifted prematurely. The whole world is grappling with the lives...

Lockdown Paradox

by  Haris Gazdar

Analytics or Values Is there a trade-off between saving lives and saving livelihoods? Individuals make decisions about this more often than they might notice.  There are too many hazardous occupations...
Special Feature | COVID-19

Health Advisory for Pakistan During COVID-19: Reducing Transmission of COVID-19 in Healthcare Settings

by  Dr. Hasan Naveed, Professor Christopher Liu

Protecting healthcare workers and patients Advice to hospitals in Pakistan SARS-CoV-2, the causative virus, is highly efficient in person-to-person transmission, and for a relatively low infective dose. It spreads by...

Troubling Times

16 Days of Activism

Asia Advisory

The Turkish Skirmish

by  Muhammad Amir Khan

The Latest Turkey’s military operation in Syria came to a 120-hour pause after US Vice President Mike Pence, visited Ankara to discuss the ceasefire in a meeting with President Erdogan....
Asia Advisory

Trade and Tribulations

by  Arsalaan Nazir

Are the United States and China engaged in a cold war lite? The shift in US-China relations towards contestation, rather than cooperation, has expanded. Many within the US administration increasingly...
Second Opinion

A Deal Too Far?

After months of speculation about an impending peace deal between the US and the Taliban, the failure of the Trump administration to clinch a hard fought negotiated settlement has thrown...
Asia Advisory

Indo-Pak Tensions Cloud SCO Moot

Heads of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) countries, including India and Pakistan, met in Bishkek for the 19th Leaders’ Summit on Friday. Despite speculation around the possibility of a more...
Asia Advisory

Beijing’s riposte to the Huawei ban

In an escalating trade war, China has announced that it is looking to restrict exports of rare earth minerals to the United States. Rare earth minerals – there are 17...
Asia Advisory

Tensions in the Far East

China’s Defence Minister Wei Fenghe has once again reiterated China’s policy of reunification with Taiwan. Speaking at the recently concluded Shangrila Dialogue, Wei Fenghe said that if any country stood...
Asia Advisory

Makkah GCC, Arab League & OIC Summits

In an unprecedented move, Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud organised consecutive emergency summits of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Arab League and OIC in Makkah during Ramzan....

Take One | Modi’s Win & What It Means

What does the BJP’s return to power mean for prospects for peace and strategic stability? Jinnah Institute President Sherry Rehman, former Foreign Secretary and High Commissioner to New Delhi Salman...

Saffron Sweep, Again

For the first time since Indira Gandhi, an incumbent prime minister has returned to Delhi with an even greater majority after completing a five year term. Narendra Modi, who was...

Take One – Of Blood and Olive Branches

As the Taliban teeter on the edge of yet another spring offensive, the deadlock in intra-Afghan negotiations persists. With regional stability on the line, Jinnah Institute solicits the opinion of...

Article Alert: Sherry proposes new vision for Pak-US ties

by  Sherry Rehman

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has proposed new vision for the ties between Islamabad and Washington and for the purpose it has set out ten-point course of action. Pakistan’s ambassador to the United...

Interview with Raheem Khan

by  Hassan Akbar

By Sabina Ansari This policy brief examines the current representation of women in Pakistan`s national media landscape, which includes the status of women in the media industry, the portrayal of...

The Road to Perdition


After Pulwama: South Asia’s Fragile State of Play

In the wake of heightened tensions between India and Pakistan and a deteriorating regional security climate, we turn to a panel of senior experts to solicit their views on the...

Inclusion in Decision-Making

Want to know how inclusive our democracy is? Jinnah Institute’s latest infographic breaks down the representation of women and minorities in decision making roles in the parliament, provincial assemblies, and...
Special Feature

Policy Feature

To mark the New Year, we asked a group of senior and emerging thought leaders and policy practitioners to list the eleven top areas likely to fill Pakistan’s policy radar...

Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Visit to China

In light of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to China earlier this month, Jinnah Institute turned to foreign policy experts to solicit their opinion on the expectations of a financial...

Women & the Vote

As we undertake a detailed analysis of the 2018 elections, our infographic provides a quick snapshot of women voters and candidates. It is worth noting that the percentage of women...

The Millennial Woman

Special Feature


National milestones can be read as bends in the road or as turning points with the capacity to transform prospective pathways. On the eve of Pakistan’s 70th Independence Day, Jinnah...

Pak-US Military Ties

Jinnah Institutes takes an in-depth look at Pak-US relations in light of an imminent US policy review in the region. While relations with the US military remain fraught over drone...

Pak-US Economic Relations at a Glance

As the US undergoes a review of its policy in the region, Jinnah Institute examines recent Pak-US economic relations. The US remains Pakistan’s largest export market comprising 17% of Pakistan’s...

Afghan Security Update

In light of an impending US policy review and the worsening security landscape in Afghanistan, Jinnah Institute takes a look at the country's current security situation. The security environment in...

Tracking Attacks in Pakistan May – July 2017

As Pakistan reels from yet another terrorist attack in Lahore on July 24, 2017, the Jinnah Institute tracks attacks in Pakistan over the summer. A total of 18 incidents were...

Jinnah Institute’s Policy Dialogue on Cultural Pluralism

On 24/02/17, Pakistan as a society must question the contemporary  manifestations of ethnic discrimination, religious intolerance, and extremism by resuscitating the pluralistic vision of its inception.  This was the main...
Special Feature

Indo-Pak 2017: Past the Red Noise

Early in the New Year, Jinnah Institute asked a panel of five senior foreign policy experts to outline their expectations from the India-Pakistan relationship in 2017, and to signpost what...
Special Feature

Policy Forecast : Defining the Goalposts in 2017

As Pakistan sets out to navigate 2017, Jinnah Institute asks thought leaders and policymakers to zero in on the most urgent policy interventions they would like to see the government...

Pak-US ties under a Trump Presidency

Tuesday’s United States Presidential election has triggered a range of responses in Pakistan. To capture the first take on this hot-button issue Jinnah Institute quizzes a panel of former diplomats and policy experts on the...

Configuring the Next Chapter in Pak-US Relations

Against a backdrop of recent developments in the Pak-US relationship, including a reworked US policy on South Asia, Jinnah Institute turned to a panel of foreign policy experts to solicit their...
Second Opinion

The Uri Aftermath: Policy Options for Pakistan in a Changing Security Environment

As Pakistan navigates new bends in a changing regional environment, tensions with India have both raised threat perceptions and stalled efforts to normalise relations. It is in the context of...

Pakistan’s Debt and Taxes

The federal government’s economic policy remains largely debt-driven, with debt servicing and repayment taking increasing shares of the federal budget each year. The inflationary impact of debt accumulation has been ignored for short-term financial stability....

Federal Budget: Debt 2011-2016

The federal government’s economic policy remains largely debt-driven, with debt servicing and repayment taking increasing shares of the federal budget each year. The inflationary impact of debt accumulation has been ignored for short-term financial stability....
Second Opinion

Foreign Policy in Crisis: Can Pakistan Overcome?

As Pakistan’s foreign policy apparatus comes under fire for failure to perform on multiple fronts, Islamabad’s institutional paralysis is damaging the country’s international standing. With the Foreign Office mandated to do little more than issue reactive statements...

Federal Budget 2011 – 2016

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar recently unveiled the federal budget for the fiscal year July 2016 to June 2017, with a total outlay of Rs. 4.39 trillion indicating a 7% increase...

Beyond the Kabul Process

The second round of the Kabul Process for Peace and Security Cooperation was convened in Kabul on February, 28 on the heels of renewed regional efforts to revive a fledgling peace initiative between Kabul and the Afghan Taliban....

Bracing for Impact: US Pullout from JCPOA & Prospects for Pak-Iran Relations

In response to the US decision to re-impose sanctions on Iran and end American participation in the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Jinnah Institute reached out to a...

Youth, Demography & Pakistan’s Future

A significant majority of Pakistan’s population comes from the country’s ever-growing youth cohort.  Two out of every three Pakistanis is currently under the age of 30. An estimated 52 million...

Pakistan in 2016: A Security Overview (January-April)

The first quarter of 2016 saw a sharp rise in terrorist attacks across Pakistan, in spite of robust government-led attempts to implement its 20-point National Action Plan. In terms of...

Rebuilding Lives After Zarb-e-Azb

The launch of military Operation Zarb-e-Azb in North Waziristan in June 2014 prompted the displacement of over 435,429 individuals within a week of its commencement. While a significant exodus of...
Second Opinion

Suing for Peace after Pathankot: Foreign Secretary-Level Talks

Following months of speculation surrounding the fate of the bilateral dialogue between Pakistan and India, Pakistani Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry met his Indian counterpart S. Jaishankar on April 26 in...

Countering Terrorism & Violent Extremism in the Age of Radd-ul-Fasaad

In the wake of an upsurge in terrorist violence, including a deadly terror attack on Sehwan Sharif that claimed the lives of 81 civilians in February 2017, Pakistani security forces have initiated Operation...

Take One | Preventing an Economic Meltdown: Priorities for an Incoming Government

  Salim Raza, former Governor State Bank Not much can be achieved in the six weeks remaining for the caretaker government, but the interim period can be used to take...
Special Feature

Pakistan 2016 – Flashpoints

by  Zara Haque

As Pakistan crosses into 2016, Jinnah Institute asked area experts to identify and highlight the most serious challenges facing the country that could potentially emerge as governance and security flashpoints...
Second Opinion

After COP21: Does Pakistan have a Climate Change Plan?

A landmark agreement at the U.N. Conference on Climate Change in Paris this December saw representatives of 195 nations pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions to a level that will...
Second Opinion

Resetting India-Pakistan Ties

In the wake of a renewed bout of diplomatic activity in India-Pakistan relations following a tense summer of stalemate, Jinnah Institute asked a select panel of policy experts from Pakistan...

Climate Change and Rapid Glacial Melt in Pakistan

Mounting evidence suggests that anthropogenic or manmade causes have accelerated the pace at which glaciers retreat all over the world. Pakistan’s mountainous north is covered by as many as 5000...

Agriculture in Pakistan 2015

Pakistan urgently needs to safeguard its agricultural sector from the risks presented by climate change, which has had a pronounced impact throughout South Asia on food production. Recent news reports...

Drought in Pakistan 2015

All images in this publication have been sourced from the internet. Information has been taken from PDMA Sindh’s website. The drastic impact of climate change can be felt throughout Sindh...

Heat Wave in Pakistan June – July 2015

Climate change poses grave new challenges to governance in Pakistan, the scale of which became apparent in Sindh’s recent heat wave, which resulted in more than 1200 deaths (reported by...

Persecution of Ahmadis in Pakistan 2012-2015

Pakistani Ahmadis continued to face discrimination and injustice over the past three years. Jinnah Institute’s research into Ahmadi persecution shows an increase in the systematic targeting of the community. In...

Violence Against the Shia Community in Pakistan 2012 – 2015

The sustained campaign of violence against Pakistan’s Shia community continues unabated. The overall number of bomb blasts and targeted attacks have reached unprecedented levels with 1,304 people killed from explosions,...
Second Opinion

Gearing for a Reset – India-Pakistan Foreign Secretary Level Talks

In the wake of a tense quarter for Indo-Pak relations and continuing violence on the Line of Control (LoC), the two Foreign Secretaries are finally set to meet this week...
Second Opinion

Obama’s India Visit – Assessing Outcomes

By Fahd Humayun President Barack Obama’s two-day visit to India is being seen as the first real test for Washington and New Delhi – two capitals looking to elevate their...
Special Feature

Policy Interventions 2015

As Pakistan weathers the impact of multiple transitions in 2015, Jinnah Institute asked thought leaders and policymakers at the close of the year to suggest the most urgent policy interventions...

State of the Religious Minorities in Pakistan – Christians

Violence against Pakistan’s religious minorities, including Christians, continued unabated through 2012-2014. Joseph Colony – inhabited by Christians- was torched to the ground in March 2013 after an allegation of blasphemy...

Six-year-old Pakistani becomes youngest Microsoft Certified Professional

A six year old British child of Pakistani descent has become the world's youngest Microsoft Certified Professional after passing the exam when he was just five years old. The test is...

Five Pakistanis listed in BBC’s 100 Women

Five Pakistani women have been selected in an annual list by the BBC naming 100 prominent women from across the world as part of their efforts to represent women better...

Saad Haroon secures second position as World’s Funniest Person

Pakistani stand-up comedian Saad Haroon secured second position in the final of the first World Famous Laugh Factory’s Funniest Person in the World competition. During the voting, Haroon secured 59,213 votes. Ismo...

LoC in Crisis

*The figures quoted above have been collected from local and international newspapers. The number of ceasefire violations may vary across sources. Why is this time different? The resumption of hostilities...

Malala Yousafzai becomes youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize winner

The Nobel Peace Prize went to 17-year-old Pakistani Malala Yousafzai and India’s Kailash Satyarthi for their work promoting children’s rights. The Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the prize saying that peaceful global...
Second Opinion

New Battle Lines – Counterterrorism and Counterinsurgency Beyond Zarb-E-Azb

After a summer of airstrikes and ground offensives in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), the military operation against terrorist sanctuaries in North Waziristan has now entered its second trimester....

Pakistan womens’ team wins gold medal at Asian Games

Pakistan retained the women’s Twenty20 cricket gold medal at the Asian Games by defeating Bangladesh in a rain-affected final. The defending champions won in a thrilling finish after picking up...

North Waziristan IDP Crisis

A graphical representation of the number of Pakistanis who were displaced from their homes following the launch of the Zarb-e-Azab military operation in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in...

Nine year old Pakistani boy creates world record

It was a historic day for the Pakistan scrabble contingent taking part in the 6th Sri Lankan Interna­tional Scrabble Champion­ship when its youngest member, nine-year old Hasham Hadi Khan, created...

Pakistani Journalist wins 2014 Peter Mackler Award

Pakistan's first female war correspondent and host of various popular TV talk shows Asma Shirazi, was named the 2014 Winner of the prestiigious Peter Mackler Award for Courageous and Ethical Journalism. Shirazi has...

Pakistan to produce FIFA World Cup footballs

When World Cup’s Chinese supplier Adidas failed to keep up with the demand of soccer balls in Rio de Janeiro, a Sialkot ball manufacturing company then stepped in and got...

Pakistan’s first alternative energy park begins producing 1250 W

For the first time in the country's history, a public park being run on alternate energy is being opened in Karachi. Situated at the Shaheed Lalak Jan Green Belt near...

Seven short films by Lyari students screened

A film festival showcasing efforts made by teenagers was held in Karachi. Organised by the Karachi Youth Initiative, short films and documentaries based on a variety of ideas were screened. With...

Rapturous welcome for ‘Bronze’ winning street children soccer team

A team of Pakistan’s street children soccer players received a hero’s welcome at Karachi International Airport, after being crowned bronze medalists at FIFA’s Street Child World Cup held in Brazil last...
Second Opinion

Negotiating with the TTP

Public debate continues to revolve around talks with Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP); with the “month-long” ceasefire coming to a close by the end of March, it remains to be seen whether...

Muslim Family protects sole Hindu temple in Sindhi town

Photo Courtesy: Kamran Siddiqui - A Hindu temple in a small Sindhi town has been preserved and taken care of by a local Muslim family for the past five generations....
Second Opinion

Weighing in on the Pak-US Strategic Dialogue

After a three-year hiatus, Pakistan and the United States resumed their stalled ministerial-level Strategic Dialogue in Washington this January. Launched in 2010, the Dialogue was left in the cold after...

3 Transgender Persons Hired By Sindh Government

The Sindh government has made history after hiring three transgendered persons to work as full-time employees. The three candidates all hold bachelors degrees, and will be working in the Women...
Second Opinion

Heading into 2014: Challenges Ahead

The foremost challenge to Pakistan remains extremist creed and violence and concomitantly socio-economic development. Addressing these twin challenges will require clear commitment and perseverance. 2014 is a year of transition...

Pakistan timeline 2013

Second Opinion

Line of Control: War of Words

The month of January saw new tensions between Indian and Pakistan across the Line of Control, where a ceasefire had been in effect since 2003. The episode led to a...
Second Opinion

The Ambiguity of the APC’s Outcomes

Given the fanfare and expectations surrounding last week's All Parties Conference - the incumbent PML-N government's first experiment in public and political outreach since coming to power a little less...
Second Opinion

Talking to the Taliban

One of the most important talking points in the run-up to Pakistan's May 2013 general elections was the issue of domestic militancy and terrorism, and whether the government should negotiate...
Second Opinion

Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Calibration

Second Opinion is Jinnah Institute's monthly feature on foreign policy and current affairs. The latest issue of Second Opinion combines recommendations by Pakistani experts on foreign policy with observations by...
Second Opinion

The Way Forward for Pakistan’s Foreign Policy

With Pakistan's historic general elections held over the weekend, political party manifestos have come under greater scrutiny among voters, policy experts and media commentators. On foreign policy, there are broad...
Second Opinion

The ICA’s Partial Award on Kishenganga

On February 18th 2013, the International Court of Arbitration gave a partial award in response to Pakistan's appeal over India's Kishenganga project, allowing India to divert waters from the Neelum-Jhelum river...
Second Opinion

Restructuring Pak-U.S. Relations

Jinnah Institute hosted its 6th policy discussion on the future of Pak-US relations and invited a panel of leading journalists and policy experts to speak on the issue. Ahmed Rashid,...
Second Opinion

Cross-border Incursions on the Pak-Afghan Border

Approximately a hundred Taliban militants crossed the border from Afghanistan on June 25th and attacked a Pakistani security patrol near Sunai Kandau in Barawal Tehsil, Upper Dir, killing six soldiers...
Second Opinion

The Afghan Endgame and the future of Pakistan-US relations

President Zardari's attendance at the NATO Summit in Chicago during May 2012 drew an array of responses from the international and local media. The Guardian reported that U.S. President Barack...
Second Opinion

Pak-U.S. Relations and Re-opening of NATO Supply Lines

  "We cannot be left out of the many strategic agreements taking place around us nor can we ignore the bigger economic picture that is slowly taking shape: Pakistan has...
Second Opinion

The Thaw in Indo-Pak Relations

In July 2011, Jinnah Institute asked a host of experts their views on the Indo-Pak dialogue process, as well as its goals and limitations. At the time, the Pakistani Interior...
Second Opinion

Pak-US Relations Post OBL and the PNS-Mehran Attack

The Osama Bin Laden episode exposed new fissures between Pakistan and the United States, signalling a clear shift in a bilateral relationship already under considerable strain. While the intrusion of...
Second Opinion

The Af-Pak Review as seen in Pakistan

JI seeks Pakistani policy analysts' opinion about the recent AfPak review and the US-NATO strategy for the region The Af-Pak review for 2010 is charting a familiar course. It reiterates...
Special Feature

August 11, 1947 – Jinnah’s Paradigmatic Shift

Recently, the Jinnah Institute interviewed leading historian and Quaid expert Sharif al-Mujahid in an attempt to understand the political rationale and ethos behind Mohammad Ali Jinnah's August 11, 1947 address...
Second Opinion

VP Joe Biden’s Visit to Pakistan

Jinnah Institute seeks Pakistani policy analysts' opinion about US Vice President Joe Biden's visit to Pakistan and its strategic implications. US Vice-President Joe Biden's flying visit to Islamabad, followed by the release...