Ahmer Naqvi

Tempted to say goodbye to the idea of a syncretic South Asia this afternoon. Of course, it has resisted far worse, but still.

Mehreen Zahra Malik

Also, never again will an Indian treat his chaiwala badly. I’m going to go give mine a hug. #IndiaDecides2014 #Modi

Hasan Zaidi

The unspoken anxiety in Pak about Indian Hindutva landslide is whether we’ll understand even half of what’s being said there now. #Sanskriti

Wajahat S Khan

Civ-mil tensions here. Hyper nationalist government there. A brand new president on the other side. I’m waiting for a nasty little war.

Moeed Pirzada

#PM Nawaz did an excellent decision (perhaps the first such of his Reign of Errors) by quickly calling Narendra Modi & congratulating him!

Marvi Sirmed

Congratulations India, congratulations Mr. Modi. We in Pakistan hope the best for the region, peace & you MT @narendramodi: India has won!

Omar R. Quraishi

With a right-wing prime minister who should be able to contain India’s hawks & establishment, will Modi be able to strike peace with Pak?

Raza Rumi

So the rise and fall of @AamAadmiParty in #Delhi will be a subject of endless debates 🙂 Not a single seat after that teacup #Revolution

Mosharraf Zaidi

Pakistanis should not be self-conscious in assessing what a Modi-led India may mean. We should also be seeking to understand this India.

Ayaz Amir

A statesman’s rhetoric is always different than that in election campaign. #Modi will have to step forward for peace in the region.