Jinnah Institute’s Roundtable on FATA Merger: The Challenges Ahead
Date: April 22, 2019
Key takeaways from Jinnah Institute’s roundtable on ‘FATA Merger: The Challenges Ahead’ convened to discuss progress on the merger of erstwhile FATA districts with KP and the associated bottlenecks.
Why it Matters
Implementation of the FATA-KP Merger Act, rushed through parliament in May, remains stymied with little on-ground progress. The delay in implementation and the inability to structure an inclusive implementation process that takes on board multiple voices from within the region has led to simmering disaffection with the handling of the merger. This has coincided with delay in arranging funds necessary for the development of the region as promised by the federal government, and the extension of administrative services such as district courts, police, and other line departments.