Afghanistan Essays
The Afghanistan Essays | Pak-Afghan Trade Relations: Looking Ahead
Date: March 19, 2018
This 2018 short-essay series by the Jinnah Institute (JI) reflects a range of Pakistani thought leadership on Afghanistan and it’s complex history with Islamabad. With the region in the current crosshairs of a seemingly intractable conflict, these essays attempt to spur old and new thinking on the history of Pakistan’s relationship with Afghanistan and existing challenges. The essays cover a range of subject matter on Afghanistan-Pakistan including efforts for peace and reconciliation, threats to security, the broader geopolitical dynamic, and the role of civil society and economy.
This essay titled ‘Pak-Afghan Trade Relations: Looking Ahead’ explains the sharp decline in the volume of bilateral trade between Pakistan and Afghanistan from over $2.5 billion in 2015 to $500 million in the first half of 2018. It argues that efforts to transform historic and geographic proximity into economic synergies should compel Afghanistan and Pakistan to not only maintain, but also expand trade and transit cooperation.