Zahid Hussain

Welcome development. Indian PM Modi accepts invite for first Pakistan visit.

Murtaza Solangi

Ultimately Modi and Nawaz both won the toss. Head said de-escalation and the tail said engagement.

Raza Rumi

Official #Pakistan & #India joint statement: Good to see stuff #TrackII parleys recommend to respective governments.

Mosharraf Zaidi

PM Sharif has taken another large political leap to try to jumpstart regional normalisation. Hope Pakistani hawks will cut him some slack.

Moeed Pirzada

PM Nawaz must follow his Foreign Office instincts in dealing with Modi; Indian Strategists are masters of empty postures of Aman & Shanti…

Adil Najam

Lets not hype #NawazModi meeting. Not every meeting is a historic meeting. If it is, it reflects a sad sad history!

Ejaz Haider

#Ufa joint statement has only one takeaway: Mumbai. everything else is already exists. #VoiceSamples for which there’s no #MLA framework.

Nasim Zehra

Modi govt takes a U-turn after 1 year of muscle flexing/Pak-bashing, decides to return to dialogue process. NSA talks on terrorism & ‘all issues’

Shireen Mazari

Shameful how PM Sharif once again appeased India on terrorism while ignoring Indian state terrorism in Occupied Kashmir & in Pakistan.

Sherry Rehman

We welcome Modi to the SAARC Summit, support Sharif in peace moves, but statement should reflect Pakistan’s concerns too. Right now it’s one-sided.