Taha Siddiqui

Army was already abducting civilians, but 1st this law & now PPO will give them legal cover for human rights abuse. #SayNoToExtraJudicialActs

Fifi Haroon

Highly dubious this #PPO - this govt is closing in on everything that suggests critique or debate. Be it digital rights or political dissent.

Cyril Almeida

Also, enjoying the quintessentially Pakistani twist that alleged author of army-dictated PPO Amendment is the same guy prosecuting Mush.

Marvi Sirmed

Waiting for my arrest. RT @MaverickIR: Now those who will talk against #PMLN talks with TTP or its misgovernance will be booked under #PPO.

Arif Alvi

Disgusting black day in NA. Protested against the PPO. Was ready to move my (31) amendments which the Speaker disallowed. Bill Bulldozed Brutally.

Nabil Gabol

Hypocrisy, isnt it? Zahid Hamid, once Musharaf's Minister for Law; today the same Zahid Hamid is made minister by MNS as he presented the PPO bill in the NA.

Naz Baloch

PPO 2014 is irrational & a violation of the sanctity of citizens, as it authorises LEAs to break into any house without a search warrant.

Nafisa Shah

All political parties in the Parliament - PPP, PTI, MQM, JI and govt allies JUI-F - had severe objection at undemocratic way in which the PPO was passed.

Syed Raza Ali Abidi

Do you know, that by this PPO of PML-N, each one of you is vulnerable to be shot at sight or held captive for 90 days' detention by LEAs.

Afrasiab Khattak

The Senate of Pakistan will resist laws violative of human rights given in the Constitution.