Twitter Cafes

Twitter Cafe

Jinnah Institute’s Twitter Café on #Shared History

On 11/6/18 Jinnah Institute held a Twitter Café in Islamabad with the objective of connecting social media users in India and Pakistan with the hashtag #SharedHistory. The event aimed at...
Twitter Cafe

Jinnah Institute’s Twitter Café | #ContinueTalking

On 16/02/16 Jinnah Institute held its second Twitter Café for social media users, activists, media persons and policy practitioners. The panelists steered the two hour-long online conversation, accessible to viewers on Twitter...
Twitter Cafe

Jinnah Institute’s Twitter Cafe on #IndoPakFutures

On 17/09/15 Jinnah Institute held an event for social media users, activists, mediapersons and policy practitioners to participate in its first ever Twitter Café. In an event format rarely used...