
Second Opinion: The Afghan Endgame and the future of Pakistan-US relations

President Zardari's attendance at the NATO Summit in Chicago during May 2012 drew an array of responses from the international and local media. The Guardian reported that U.S. President Barack...

Second Opinion: The Way Forward for Pakistan’s Foreign Policy

With Pakistan's historic general elections held over the weekend, political party manifestos have come under greater scrutiny among voters, policy experts and media commentators. On foreign policy, there are broad...

Chaophraya Dialogue 11

Bangkok, Thailand: Key opinion makers from India and Pakistan, including parliamentarians, former diplomats, military officers, journalists from the print and electronic media, academics and policy experts met in Bangkok for...

Islamabad Dialogue II Joint Resolution

Islamabad Dialogue II Joint Resolution id2 3-4th June, 2012: Key opinion makers from India and Pakistan, including former diplomats, policy experts and practitioners, mediapersons and academics met for the second...

Delhi Dialogue I Report

A great leap forward was needed to break the current impasse in the Indo-Pak bilateral engagement, said participants of the Delhi Dialogue, a bilateral Track-II conference organized by Centre for...

Chaophraya Dialogue 9 & 10

Colombo, Sri Lanka Key opinion makers from India and Pakistan - including former diplomats, military officers, journalists from the print and electronic media, academics and analysts - met at Colombo...

The Indo-Pak Chaophraya Dialogues 7 & 8

16-19th October 2011 Bangkok, Thailand Leading opinion makers from India and Pakistan including parliamentarians, retired diplomats, former military officials, members of the policy and media communities, academics and civil society...

Annual Reports (2010-2011)

The full text of the JI Annual Report 2010 - 2011, outlining the major activities under the Open Democracy and Strategic Security Initiatives is now available here    

Reviewing Indo-Pak Bilateral Relations: Quarterly Monitoring Brief April 2014 – June 2014

This monitoring brief recaps significant developments in Indo-Pak relations between April 2014 and June 2014, including statements, visits, and policy initiatives. It is part of a series of monitoring briefs...

Policies Without Direction

by:  Fahd Humayun

Anyone in Pakistan who dabbles in the lexicon of urbanomics will be the first to admit one of two things: that cities are like living organisms that need sophisticated delivery...