
Birthday Diplomacy

by:  Fahd Humayun

A month ago, the odds of Prime Minister Modi surprise-landing in Lahore on Christmas Day to meet his Pakistani counterpart were next to nil. But thanks to what has arguably been...

Pakistan’s Hard Choices in the Middle East

by:  Fahd Humayun

When Pakistan’s parliament adopted a resolution to stay out of a Saudi-led war against Yemen this April, consternation across the Gulf was palpable. Until this year, the most compelling reason...

After Kunduz

by:  Fahd Humayun

As the dust clouds settle over Kunduz, Afghan peacemakers once again find themselves pitted against domestic public opinion. At home President Ghani is confronted with a tough new reality: that...

Institutionalizing Electoral Reform

by:  Zahid Hussain

Beyond the headlines and Constitution Avenue blockade, there is growing consensus among political parties on the need for electoral reforms to strengthen democratic processes in Pakistan. This consensus stems from...

The Kids Are Not Alright

by:  Rimmel Mohydin

There exist at least 400 videos of drugged and weeping children who, if able to talk, are begging not to be touched. 280 children have a story, which can’t be...

Chaophraya Dialogue 16

Bangkok, Thailand: Senior interlocutors from India and Pakistan met in Thailand for the 16th Chaophraya Dialogue and discussed issues of mutual concern and interest. At the end of the two-day dialogue,...

Achilles Heel

by:  Safwan A. Khan

Of all the strategic assets that Pakistan can currently use to propel itself forward, the most discussed is its demography, comprised of a young and vibrant working age population. Left...

‘JI President Sherry Rehman ‎asks if Islamabad can Leverage the China-Iran Opportunity’

by:  Sherry Rehman

As the big global strategic picture shifts on its axis, Pakistan has opportunity knocking in two broad gradients, if not more. The only worry is that even if the knocks...

Hard Talk

by:  Fahd Humayun​

There was always going to be a lot riding on the first direct meeting between the Afghan High Peace Council (HPC) and the Afghan Taliban. Two years after Hamid Karzai flew...

Bring back the Moratorium

by:  Reema Omer

Pakistan has executed more than 170 people since it discarded the country’s informal six-year moratorium on the death penalty. At risk of imminent execution are a further 400 people that...