Policy Brief

Pakistan’s Eight Great Education Debates

by:  Sehar Tariq

Pakistan’s education sector confronts a number of serious policy challenges. Jinnah Institute’s Paper “Pakistan’s Eight Great Education Debates” analyzes critical policy debates confronting the education sector and proposes policy solutions...
Policy Brief

Gender Sensitization for Conflict Management and Resolution

by:  Sehar Tariq

An analysis of the impact of ongoing conflicts and law and order disturbances on Pakistani women; their systematic exclusion from peace building and policy recommendations for a more gender sensitive...
Policy Brief

Making Sense of Violence in Balochistan 2010

by:  Salman Zaidi

Balochistan has experienced a clear upsurge in violence over the last year, with changing trends in terms of attacks as well as targets. Making sense of this conflict requires parsing...
Policy Brief

Stability in the Nuclear Context: Making South Asians Safe

by:  Moeed Yusuf

South Asia Advisor to the US Institute of Peace Moeed Yusuf authors this month’s Policy Brief on Nuclear Security, and outlines a plan for working towards strategic stability in the...
Conference and Research reports

Pakistan at Risk: Challenges and Opportunities After the Flood

More than three months into the flood crisis aid lifelines for humanitarian needs and rehabilitation remain underfunded, while the governance of the largest disaster the world has seen in many...
Policy Brief

That Colorless Life: Attacking Shrines and the ‘other’ Islam

by:  Erum Haider

In July 2010, militants attacked the revered Sufi shrine of Data Ganj Bakhsh in Lahore, claiming 41 lives and injuring over 170 people. On October 7th, two suicide bombers attacked...

Pakistan: A Transitional Polity

by:  Raza Rumi

Pakistan’s existentialist crisis is no longer a strictly Pakistani issue. Its potential repercussions have emerged as a cornerstone of global debates on regional stability and international concerns on terrorism and...
Policy Brief

The Mumbai Trial and Related Legal Issues

by:  Ahmer Bilal Soofi

Two years after the November 26th attacks in Mumbai, the trial of the accused mastermind of the attacks continues in Pakistan. As with any trial, the outcome will not be...
Policy Brief

Stumbling on the “Af-Pak” Border

by:  Mosharraf Zaidi

NATO helicopters engaged and killed two Pakistani soldiers on September 30th. In response, Pakistan closed the Torkham border crossing, blocking NATO’s access to a vital supply line for its operations...