
Hate-Speech and Social Media in Pakistan

by:  Jahanzaib Haque

Pakistani media is an agent of CIA and RAW, Shariat ya Shahadat (Shariah or Martydom), Maslak-e-Deoband (Cult of Deoband) and Shias are unbelievers. This is not a list of slogans chanted by extremists on the streets...

What Will We Ban Next?

by:  Jahanzaib Haque

Censorship, when undertaken in the name of vague, ill-defined and subjective concepts such as ‘national interest’ or religion and morality, is a slippery slope with disastrous consequences – and this...

Invoking the Morality Clause

by:  Nadir Hassan

In the years gone past, Articles 62 and 63 of the Constitution had been treated like adverbs in an elaborate sentence – there to make things look comprehensive, but ultimately...

Resurgence of Polio virus in Pakistan is a national emergency

by:  Faris Islam

Pakistan is one of the three countries in which polio remains endemic. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) has recently reported that there are six sanctuaries for the polio virus:...

Federalism: The Journey Continues

by:  Mian Raza Rabbani (NI)

  Federalism has thus far been poorly understood in Pakistan. It is a system that respects diversity, promotes pluralism, and balances national with state powers. Federal governments promote stronger institutions...

The Education Landscape – Bridging Gaps

by:  Madeeha Ansari

The year 2011 was the “Year of Education” for Pakistan. The Pakistan Education Task Force, drawing upon Article 25A of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, created a sense of urgency...

Eroding the vote banks: IDPs in Karachi

In September 2010, the Jinnah Institute carried out a series of focus groups with flood victims living in Karachi's relief camps. The focus of the study was to assess the...

Policy Brief: The Mumbai Trial and Related Legal Issues

By Ahmer Bilal Soofi Two years after the November 26th attacks in Mumbai, the trial of the accused mastermind of the attacks continues in Pakistan. As with any trial, the...

Stability in the Nuclear Context: Making South Asians Safe

South Asia Advisor to the US Institute of Peace Moeed Yusuf authors this month's Policy Brief on Nuclear Security, and outlines a plan for working towards strategic stability in the region India...

Women in the Media: JI Policy Brief

By Sabina Ansari This policy brief examines the current representation of women in Pakistan`s national media landscape, which includes the status of women in the media industry, the portrayal of...