
Taxing the Poor

by:  Ali Khizar

There is a worm at the heart of the Pakistan government’s strategy on enhancing tax revenue. The tax to GDP ratio in Pakistan continues to remain abysmally low and while...

Annual Report (2015-2016)

Pakistan’s interrupted encounters with democracy and diminished public input in governance have arrested the growth of institutions and rendered public services either too fragile or too disempowered to respond to...

Subcontinental Drift

by:  Fahd Humayun

As global players reorient their power calculus, Pakistan’s maritime rim land is experiencing new cartographic anxieties. In Tehran this summer, President Rouhani, President Ghani and PM Modi heralded the Chabahar...
Conference and Research reports

Pakistan: Monitoring the Key Regional Powers 3

This report is the third and final in a series of three Monitoring Briefs (2016) designed to monitor and track the actions and public statements of five key regional actors...

Second Opinion – Foreign Policy in Crisis: Can Pakistan Overcome?

As Pakistan’s foreign policy apparatus comes under fire for failure to perform on multiple fronts, Islamabad’s institutional paralysis is damaging the country’s international standing. With the Foreign Office mandated to do little more than issue reactive statements...

Stabilisation Straitjacket: Budget 2016 and the Growth Bottleneck

by:  Sakib Sherani

Backdrop A nation’s budget and its overall economic policy framework are situated within a certain macroeconomic context.The mix of fiscal and other policies pursued by a government should respond to...

Smokescreen in South Punjab

by:  Fahd Humayun

Back in May the Punjab Assembly unanimously carried a resolution hailing anti-terror operations in the province. On paper, the numbers look impressive: 10,000 intelligence-based operations have been carried out across Punjab since...

The NSG and South Asian Security

by:  Zamir Akram

The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), an informal cartel of 48 countries that regulates nuclear commerce for civilian uses and prevents nuclear weapons proliferation met in Vienna on 9 and 10...

Things Fall Apart: The Politics of US Aid to Pakistan

by:  Sauleha Kamal

In a clear case of déjà vu, the United States has blocked $300 million in military aid to Pakistan, making the release of the funds contingent on Islamabad taking demonstrable steps...

A Primordial Gender Binary

by:  Daanika Kamal

The recent death of Alisha, a 23-year old transgender activist from Peshawar, has brought in stark relief the continuing neglect and lack of entitlements faced by the third gender in...