How to Engage America After the Election
by: Fahd Humayun
Date: November 7, 2020
As the dust settles on a closely contested Presidential election in Washington, many Pakistanis are wondering what kind of engagement they can expect from a superpower in the throes of...
Policy Brief
Broadening Pakistan’s Search for Geopolitical Stability in a Contested Neighborhood
by: Fahd Humayun
Date: September 30, 2020
As tensions both in and around South Asia rise, this policy brief maps the most salient geopolitical stressors that require Islamabad’s attention as Pakistan looks to rebuild and repair a...
Policy Brief
Tackling Climate Change During a Pandemic
by: Shafqat Kakakhel
Date: August 24, 2020
Introduction The lockdowns prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic have caused massive disruptions in economic and commercial activities all over the world. (more…)
Ties with Israel
by: Fahd Humayun
Date: August 24, 2020
Last week’s decision by the UAE and Israel to normalize ties is testament to a fast changing landscape in the Middle East. While Saudi Arabia has put speculation to rest...
The Forgotten People
by: Sherry Rehman
Date: August 5, 2020
August 5th 2019 is only one of them, yet it should have marked a watershed in world history, like October 27th 1947 when a despotic Dogra ruler stripped Kashmiris of...
Pakistan and the New Great Game
by: Sherry Rehman
Date: July 9, 2020
As the China-India conflict in the Himalayas blows hot and blows cold, Islamabad’s studied reticence has so far only signaled quiet alarm. While both China and India try to de-escalate...
Annual Report (2019-2020)
Date: July 8, 2020
Current geostrategic realities have not only magnified Pakistan's global relevance, but repeatedly headlined the onerous challenges it faces today. A porous border with Afghanistan, the repercussions of proxy jihad, the...
After India’s Skirmish with China, Is Pakistan Next?
by: Fahd Humayun
Date: July 1, 2020
The worst border skirmish between India and China in the Himalayas for decades has abated for now, but the potential for crisis still looms large over a nuclear-armed South Asia....
Policy Brief
Leave No One Behind: Including Women in the Afghan Transition
by: Ammara Durrani
Date: June 11, 2020
“Some members of the Taliban delegation were looking at me. A few were taking notes. Some others were just looking elsewhere…Since our side had women delegates, I suggested to them...
Managing the Stand-Off
by: Sherry Rehman
Date: June 4, 2020
News of a border stand-off between two restive nuclear neighbours is always worrying. Yet when US President Donald Trump’s offer of mediation between India and China met with a studied...